Beautiful ballerina

3years 224days

She does it to me a lot - makes me massively proud that is, but today was particularly one of those days. She has been beyond excited about this day. She was almost uncontrollably excited pre-show. She absolutely could not sit still. Not for one minute. Her hair was gel-sprayed rock solid after the trial runs proved her soft, fine, curly hair can rebel against average amounts of spray in only minutes. Her new pre-show hoody was proudly put on, her bag packed and double checked and triple checked. She went off into the changing room to the chaperones and her ballet besties without batting an eyelid.

Her first appearance was the second dance of the show. Her face lights up so incredibly when she's on stage. She is often a tad shy "in real life". It vanishes when she's on the stage. She oozes joy and energy, and I love how much pleasure it brings her. Even now at not quite 4. She knew all her steps, grinned the entire time. With her first tutu and tiara, and her still immaculate bun, she looked every bit the mini prima ballerina.

The second dance was one continual performance of cute. From coming on in the adorable ears to them turning round to reveal their little tails and wiggling them away to the sounds of their giggles.

Sooooo proud of her. And of how far she's come since last year's performance. She was still side by side with Isla, still grinning and fabulous. But so much more grown up. VERY proud Mummy tonight. But I suspect I will be every time I watch her working her magic in a ballet performance, because she just loves every single second of it.

(She is fourth from the left in both group photos)

Katie's 3 things- plus a few!
We did twinkle twinkle first in our pretty little tutu dress
We did horsey horsey and held our hands up like this
we did swishy swishy with our tails and had TWO tails (she is right, there was a teeny grey one under it)
There were two chocolate teddies for me, two for Isla and two for Isobel!
We didnt do any colouring
I liked being on the stage with Isla and Isobel and Edana

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