midwife crisis

By lulubelle

All day rain stopped any outdoor play today. Dog wasn’t interested in going out in it other than the hour of reprieve when I dashed out and did the ponies about 5pm - then he ran around on full steam for ages.
My Happy hackers day out riding was cancelled which was such a shame ans we had this in the diary for months , so we convened at mine for afternoon tea and horse chat instead. Lovely to see them .
The clover and buttercups in the ponies field on the other side of the electric fence are beautiful , the buttercups will get left , but everything else will be munched .
My cousin has fallen off a ladder and has bones sticking out of her ankle urrrggghh. She in hosp in Paddington and plugged into a morphine drip and says she’s in good hands. I’m more worried about my 81 yr mother who is planning to visit her on her own , bus, train and taxi. She didn’t think she’s old and wobbly, but she is !

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