
By JanVa

Baby Mockingbirds

This photo was taken while I gently held branches back with one hand and very gently shoved moved the camera in for a quick blip with the other...but had to share despite focus and exposure problems. I did not want to get the parent mockingbirds stirred up so spent very little time clicking. Fortunately they did not show up. This nest is in my in-laws' back yard.

The 2 on the right were using all they had to strain their necks up and open their beaks wide. I am hoping that the 4th (on left, beak closed) was sleeping as had scored with the last feeding.

It crossed my mind that the 2 on the right decided to take the opportunity to audition for the telephone/power pole outside my house. Hate to tell them the spot is currently occupied by a very competent mockingbird that is willing to sing 24/7.

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