
By Stepram


Well here we are blip 365!

This was taken from the summit of Arthurs Seat tonight, if you look closely you can see a very bad attempt at light painting a 365.

Well that's a year of blip it all started here, its been an fruitful journey there have been explosions and fireworks, fun times and very sad times and along the way there has been Laughter and Tears and some Monkeying around but throughout we've managed to Keep calm . Of Course there has been a lot of toddler E and all the the things boys are made of, Slugs and Snails and Puppy Dog's Tails.

My Darling Wife and I have shared this eventful year with you all, even the most intensely personal and sad parts. I hope Toddler E will look back on blip in years to come and enjoy looking at these pictures and words documenting the story of his early years as much as I have enjoyed taking them.

So with much eagerness and a little trepidation we start another 365 ..........

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