
By chrispybox

Oh dear they are back

No guesses where we are. As we crossed the Warwickshire County boundary on the M40 it started to rain so we knew we were nearly home. The poor rabbit was woken from its slumber as we unloaded the car.

The extras are from images I took over the last few days. A rather random collection but they give an insight to where we went.

Extra 1 is the inside of an Oast House

Extra 2 is a view of the Tower at Sissinghurst Castle. This was the home of Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicholson. Good job we went Friday as the Tower was closed yesterday because of high winds.

Extra 3 Nigel Nicholson’s study and writing room. Would you get any work done with a view like this

Extra 4 was taken on one of the circular walks around Bateman’s, Rudyard Kipling’s home.

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