just be

By justbe

Screen door pals

The two rescued and adopted kittens are bonding and becoming good pals. They happily watch birds and the bold red squirrel, side by side through the screen door sliders. Raven is jealous of any attention that Fianna gets, but they seem to be very happy together. Fianna has been braver here, sleeping on the sofa and chairs, something she has never done at Dogcorner. They are really fun cats, both very affectionate and Raven is a true circus cat acrobat. We love them.

For the Record,
This day came as almost all these of this trip, rainy and foggy. We had absolutely torrential downpours all through the night. The fog lifted a bit during the day and it was cool and humid. The fog came back in with the high tide. Rain tomorrow, sun perhaps on Wednesday.

All hands happy

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