The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Bath Time

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Having stolen Pola from The Eldest Mini Princess many months ago, she still holds the accolade of being the only toy Murphy hasn’t destroyed and he absolutely loves her. He presents her to me every morning when I get up, often wanders about with her in his mouth and snuggles with her when he goes to sleep.

But a dog’s white cuddly friend doesn’t stay white or cuddly for long and today I broke because aside from being a grim brown colour, she was actually crunchy! She came out of the intensive wash cycle looking much better and was hung outside to dry.

Murphy sat underneath the washing line, crying and staring up mournfully and jumping up in a vain attempt to rescue his kidnapped friend.

I thought my days of this were over - The Youngest Mini Princess was almost surgically attached to her ‘Tigger’ for years. I used to have to sneak in and take him when she’s gone to sleep, wash him, dry him on a radiator and put him back in her bed for when she woke up.

I ended Murphy’s separation anxiety by giving him Pola, still slightly damp. I don’t expect her to be clean and smell fresh for long!


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