
By Ellaphant

Windmill 'De 1100 Roe', Amsterdam

This is the '1200 Roe', if you can recall.  'Roe' sounds like 'Roo' and it's a unit of measurement.  If you're wondering, these are the only 'roos' in the area of Amsterdam, but I think also in the whole of The Netherlands.  The post with the 1200 Roe will explain a bit more about them.

Glorious hunting day, complemented by the extremely rare event of not having any traffic jam at all, either on the way there or on the way back.  When I was close to Gorinchem ('Gorkum'), I texted AW that I was more than halfway home because it was now way past 18.00 and if he felt like having dinner then, please, he could go ahead.  Got home past 19.00 and rested a bit upstairs, so it was a shock when I went downstairs and he was surprised that I had already come home, as it had been quite a while since my text.  He had completely forgotten that I had entered the front door and greeted him before going upstairs.  He had walked 10 km. to the city centre and back and was rather knackered, so that is what I attributed his short loss of memory to.  It is a little worrying, though, that this could possibly happen more often in the coming years, most likely with increasing frequency.  We both hope not, but I need to stay alert now.  There has been no history of dementia in his direct line, either parent, which is a comfort, but it won't hurt to observe him.  There have been moments when he changes a story, which isn't so bad, but also moments when he has an opinion about something and claims that he has often had that opinion about that thing when I know for a fact that that isn't the case.  When I tell him so, he is insistent.  'Don't put anything heavy on those shelves because they might not bear the weight.'  So I don't.  Later on, I hear him ask, 'Why don't you put such and such on those shelves?  They're strong enough for me to lie down on them.'  Won't make a fuss, and I know that people going through these things are not aware they're going through them.  What I would not want for later is for us to have a fight because he can't remember stuff.

The 1100 Roe was constructed in 1674, so it will turn 350 next year.  I'm sure there will be some kind of celebration, possibly an 'open house'.  It is situated in a quiet corner on the outskirts of AMS, close to a residential area.  As you can see, it's right next to a canal.  The 1100 Roe is a polder mill.  No surprise there.  AMS is sometimes called the 'Venice of the North'.  I have no opinion as to whether or not this 'title' is deserved, but I do know that the system of canals, or 'canal belt', has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  The 1100 can still function but is now more of a residence, and part of it is a B&B.

Thankful for good weather today, sunny but cool due to a strong breeze, for a smooth drive in both directions, and for AW and I ending things positively.

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