
By Grisbister

Orkney Day 2

Busy day. This morning we went to Skara Brae although I personally preferred Skail House which stands nearby. They had a full set of dinner plates belonging to Captain Cook on display there. How many of their visitors have even heard of him I'm not sure, but it meant something to us Australians. We also went to a falconry display. It was an odd set up. You could pay extra to hold the birds, however those who didn't pay had to sit there for extended periods of time watching those who had paid get their turn on each bid. It was agonising. I did put my foot down in a friendly way and got our kids a hold as well before we left (naturally we hadn't paid the extra). The highlight of the day for me was visiting St Magnas cathedral. Before going in I read the family a letter that my great Grandfather wrote in 1909 about his visit. Hearing his description, it was obvious that the place hasn't changed. It was also interesting to note that he'd visited a number of other places in common with us, not just in Orkney, but through Scotland on the way here. Glencoe, Oban, even Dingwall! Afterwards we had a drive down over the Churchill Barriers and saw the "Blockships of Scarpa Flow", before finally showing the children the standing stones of Stennes and driving past the Ring of Brodgar. It was a huge day. Somehow, Elizabeth, Bec, and I summoned the energy to go out to a very fine restaurant called "The Hamnavoe" in Stromness (while Hugh took command of the family). Afterwards, I had a walk out by the Loch of Stennes at 11pm on this dull overcast day. You often can't tell where the light is coming from but it's always there. Eerie stuff. 

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