
By Hamp5on

Adopted Family

It's funny how some people really feel like they are part of your family isn't it? Mitch is one of those people for us. 
Asha went off to her art class this morning and had a great time. Nate and I walked to Aldi to get a specific breaded chicken that Mitch told us yesterday he'd longed for regularly in prison. I was delighted to see it's gluten and lactose free! Woohoo! More window cleaning and sorting this afternoon...and then fashion consulting (all 3 of us for Mitch, ha!).
Lovely receiving a couple of different selfies today, one from Danny and my wonderful cousin Piers...and another from MikeDeTrapia and an old housemate from another lifetime over 20 years ago!!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Friends who become family. 
2) Nate creating an excellent board game that we all played this afternoon. Each square you landed on had something you had to do...hop around the flat, say something you loved about each player, race someone etc etc...
3) Asha's building excitement for Camp.

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