
By littlemissquirk


Very lazy day at Vabali, a Balinese luxury spa which has the very best of aufguss sauna experiences throughout the day. Think we clocked up 10 which varied from eucalyptus to frozen fruit( got an ice lolly afterwards)
Each aufguss we were wafted hotter and hotter by the saunameister. I cheated by holding a clump of ice throughout. Jeez it was hot!
We got our 40 Europe’s worth , arriving at 10am and leaving just before 10pm. Warm evening so we took. A wander to the Tiergartenstraße where we stumbled into the Christopher Street festival for Pride. What a spangly shiny atmosphere throughout the city, kinda wished I had brought some sequins.
This was the view to one of our stamping grounds, the restaurant Standige Vertretung, plan a Flamkuchen later in the week.

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