La vida de Annie

By Annie

¡Hasta luego!

The gang flew back this evening , but at least we had the day. First we walked down to the marina for morning coffee, and since I had forgotten they only open in the evening on Wednesdays, trudged all the way up to the shops to get coffee at the Italian restaurant. The heat was intense even  then. Cooling off in the pool was the preferred activity, and #2S helped me feed the garden tortoises (3rd extra). It was cute the way he gently lifted one up to take the offered tiny piece of lettuce. The creature was probably confused, as normally whole leaves are thrown in their general direction and they sort it out with no help. As they are capable of climbing over all kinds of obstacles and could bite through a plastic sandal with no problem at all, I'd say they really need no help in fending for themselves (except occasionally being rescued from the middle of a busy road of course).
In the afternoon we had a delicious Menú del día at Romani in Arenal, and we looked in the gift shop next door for a possible replacement for the deceased inflatable turtle for #2GS, finally deciding to let him choose for himself when he comes with his mum next month. #2S found a number of highly tacky bottle openers, but was not tempted, nor by the boob mugs and stress balls. In years gone by, such tat was banned from the tourist shops, in order to keep a more upmarket view of the island, but with increased tourism and less-discerning customers that seems to have fallen by the wayside.
One more valedictory episode of Ted Lasso, and then off to the airport.
It's been great, guys, but just 3 days - c'mon! Longer next time please. I have a long list of fun things we hadn't time to do.

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