
By Chops13


Every morning I sit and have coffee and breakfast at a picture window with variations of this view, facing south.

To my left is a a smaller, but still quite large, window where I can see the daily sunrise over Mt. Baker. (See extra for today’s- at the moment that a eagle leaves its perch.)

We call the patio, where the chairs sit, ‘The Prow’ because it is elevated directly above the beach, and sitting there feels like you are on the front of a ship.

We are blessed…we know we are blessed…and we count our blessings every day!

However, that is not the reason this is called ‘Blessings’. The reason is IT’S RAINING!!!!
-our first rain since June 10.
-the first test for our new roof.
-EVERYTHING needs water!

My golf game is rained out, but it is a trade-off I will gladly make!

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