
This morning was spent at the local swimming pool while two grandchildren made the most of the warm water and pool toys.

This afternoon the rain set in and I was wondering what I would photograph for a Blip.
Then I was presented with a squashed (and dead) weta. It didn't look too bad, so it 'filled the bill' nicely.

A storm warning is expected for the Cook Strait so we're not sure if the ferries will be sailing later for our crossing from Wellington to Picton. It could be a rough trip!

Weta Facts

The weta is only found in New Zealand and is so old it has outlived the dinosaurs.

Weta are large by insect standards. Some of the giant weta are enormous and are amongst the heaviest insects in the world

The weta is more primitive than the tuatara. The weta has changed very little in the past 100 million years.

Weta have their ears on their front knees and can feel the vibrations of noises around them.

You can tell a male and female weta apart because females have a long ovipositor, which looks a bit like a stinger, which they use to lay eggs.

There are five different types of weta - tree weta, cave weta, giant weta, tusked weta and ground weta. All together there are over 100 different species of weta.

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