
By PaulaJ

Signed by the author

I do love a beautiful hardback book, just published and feeling new. I love the gorgeous covers and inside art work. I love the feel of good quality paper and the way the pages turn perfectly and the generous typefaces. I get great pleasure from reading reviews and opinions, deciding which books I am going to enjoy reading, the ones where I’m going to be able to disappear into a whole new world. Then the joy of going to a bookshop and buying a book. Or the excitement of a parcel arriving. And then turning to the first page . . .

There is just something about a ‘proper’ book that brings me great joy. I like to have them around for a long while, as anyone who has seen the piles scattered all over the floor will testify. Then they go onto bookshelves and continue to look good and where I can find them for a reread or to lend out - I usually have a few books in the hands of friends, neighbours, family.

Here are four beautiful new books that I have recently read and enjoyed and would happily read again - I probably will if they get longlisted for the Booker next week, as I hope they will - but who knows.

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