
By Grammy


Hubby decided to bring the camper home today. We aren’t allowed to keep it in the neighborhood but having it here a few days before a trip is ok. He picked up our meds on the way down to my mother’s. The heat index is predicted to be over 100°F; he turned on her air conditioner (she hates it) to cool the house down. When he went back inside, she’d turned it off so they at least opened some windows. Hubby said it was breezy on the water; she had some nice air flow throughout the house. They visited for awhile. We worry about her being alone, especially in this heat. I went out to get my blip before the temps got unbearable. This Siamese twin black eyed Susan caught my eye yesterday. Today, I walked around my gardens which contain hundreds if not thousands of these flowers and it is definitely a unique specimen. This is three views of the same flower. It wasn’t that hot yet so I dead headed the butterfly bushes until the sun sent me inside. Later, I added seed to the bird feeders, made new hummingbird syrup and filled those feeders, put up new suet and a thistle sock. Just that quick trip outside drenched my freshly washed hair. It is 96.6° at the moment. Hubby brought back Firehouse steak and cheese subs for lunch, one of my favs. I dusted, he mowed the grass and we are both finished for the day. Kim, Mancil and Brooklyn are joining friends for an outdoor Lee Brice concert being held across the river. Radar shows thunderstorms for later this evening. Hope bad weather will hold off for most of the show. It feels good to be ready to leave; there will be no rushing around to get on the road Sunday. My sister and BIL are back from WV. I have really missed hanging out with her this summer. And now we are taking off again. Hopefully we can do something together in August. Thank for visiting. Glad you liked the spider web. Stay safe. “Through every rift of discovery some seeming anomaly drops out of the darkness, and falls, as a golden link into the great chain of order.” - Edwin Hubbel Chapin

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