watching dry paint

By lensbrush

the ramp

a grim local feature yields up its artistic possibilities. I had to really coax it out.

I now live in an area that in general holds tight to its mundane, so as an urban landscape affictionado, it can be a tough call.

I've been thinking alot about the nature of Blipfoto, and the daily image. When I look at images that are chosen as staff picks, amazing and/or beautiful as they are, I somehow get this feeling that they are over there, and I'm over here. I came to photography from an arts background, and my daily view is often presented here though that filter.
Maybe I'm thinking that art is still an outsider here to some degree.
Maybe an 'Art Photo' Group is needed to subscribe to, so all us artists who need to post something of their daily aesthetic life can use it as a reference point.
The Art & Architecture Group isn't quite the fit I'm thinking of. I'm thinking of a group that is about the image itself as an intended artwork.

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