Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Macro Garden safari

I spent some time in the garden today looking for something interesting to photograph. It was a tad too windy for the macro lens if I'm honest, but I did get a few that I think look OK. 
I'm not sure that the main is anything more interesting than a common greenbottle fly but I'm sure someone can correct me if I'm wrong. 
The sea holly that I grew from seed this year has started to turn blue which is what I was hoping for, but the flowers are very tiny, which is not what I expected - I think I need a different variety. I quite like it all the same and it is being used by many different insects at the moment which is good.
In extras are a couple more on the sea holly - a long hover fly and a common soldier beetle if my Seek app is to believed. There are loads of soldier beetles on my achillea this year - way more than last year. 

As always, macro looks better in large. 

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