Sum of All Small Things

By doubleU


So here I am, in the land of smiles, sitting on the 28th floor of my hotel. Maybe the day view might be better?

Ah, I sure do miss this country even if this was such a rushed trip. Booked the air tickets today and I had to rush home to pack my luggage and still managed to forgot my glasses, facial wash and toothpaste. Problem 2 & 3 could be solved but problem 1 will remain until I am back to SG on Sat. :(

On an unrelated note, as I was getting some stuff at the supermarket today, I was queuing behind this uncle, who upon seeing the number of items I got, graciously let me go in front of him to pay first. I was in so much gratitude!! As you can read above, I was tight on time today. Sometimes, a small gesture can mean so much to another. :)

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