
By PaulaJ

How could I not!

A parcel arrived today - and inside was this beautiful book, which many will immediately recognise as freespiral’ s book of Holy Wells. 

Having followed this amazing well-finder for so many years, through from the time when she first started exploring wells and encouraged a number of us to search for our own. Of course we soon ran out of wells, but she certainly did not. So, over years, she has entertained us with stories about the finding of wells and then more recently with the saga of the creation of the book. 

With all the loving care that has gone into the book, and we have watched it happening, I knew it would be a beautiful book. So how could I not order a copy. And it is  beautiful. Gorgeous photos and engaging writing - see the photo for a glimpse of the glorious endpapers (and the delightful message card that was added to my copy). I love it. It is a real success. Well done Amanda! 

Maybe it will inspire me to at long last make a trip across the water and perhaps even see one of these Holy Wells for real!

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