
By StephenF


I've had a bad bout of blepharitis flare up in the last few weeks. Crusting of the eyelashes and eyelids is not pleasant! Added to which the skin around my eyes is very sore and itchy. It had got so uncomfortable that I took myself to the Eye Casualty unit at Windsor this morning where the diagnosis of acute blepharitis was confirmed, I was given lubricant drops and advice on cleaning the eyes. Thankfully there was no sign of infection. The sore tightening of the skin below my eyes was thought to be a reaction to a change in my glaucoma drops earlier this year, so I shall contact the Eye Clinic on Monday to ask for an urgent appointment with my Consultant Ophthalmologist although how long that will take to come through is anyone's guess. I haven't done my eyes a lot of favours by spending the rest of the day driving up and down the M25, A2 and A21 ferrying my daughter and her friend to a music event at Blackheath, and visiting friends in Robertsbridge, Sussex, and my wife's sister-in-law in Dartford. I shall sleep well as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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