Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Govetts Leap Lookout

I promised that I would start documenting the upgrades to tourist sites around the upper Blue Mountains. This morning I took myself down to one of the most recent refurbishments which is Govetts Leap Lookout over the Grose Valley at Blackheath. Theoretically this location is a longish walk from my house but in reality It is a five minute drive (these days at least)..

Of all the upgrades this was probably the least necessary but the precinct does look a whole lot snappier than it was. No doubt about that. Nothing really new has been added but all of the safety railings have been replaced, the car park resurfaced and freshly marked, historic features relocated, retaining walls, signs, toilets, fences, walking track entrances, lawn areas, seats and plantings have all been renewed. 

All "t"s crossed and "i"s dotted. Wheelchair access everywhere.. 

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