Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Nanny time

Caleb and Austin came over this morning - mummy being a teacher, needed to get her classroom ready for the start of term, so has booked with her job-share and TA to meet today, tomorrow and Wednesday - then they have the whole summer off.

My neighbour volunteers for the NT and had told us about a “meet the ranger” at Runnymede - make a insect rock pet, make a mini-bug hotel and have a go on a tractor.

Weather not good to start with so we arrived mid morning. Wellies on as lots of puddles - hard for Austin to resist jumping in without his puddle suit on - coloured a rock for a rock pet, coloured the hotel and made the bug hotel and then they were so excited to get on the tractor, rev the engine, push the horn and Caleb was key to making the shovel go up and down.
Stopped off for an ice cream before returning home for lunch.

When mummy collected they filled her in on what they had done - so cute.

After they’d gone home …… I had a siesta (ha ha ha).

Looking forward to an evening of games and laughter with the lace ladies.


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