Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

In the blink of an eye.

What a beautiful day, irresistible not to go to the beach for a walk. It was calm, clear, warm...everything we needed for an enjoyable dog walk.
After a stroll along the promenade, we took Rocket and Radar down onto the beach to let them run and splash in the sea.

As soon as she had been let off the lead, Rocket headed for the water and so did Radar.

However, in the blink of an eye, Radar shot off in a different direction over to some rocks where some ducks were resting.

Shouting and running after her was useless, she had fixed her mind on the ducks, which had noticed Radar and had started to swim further out to sea.

The ducks kept swimming and so did Radar.

Soon she was a just a tiny dot in the water.
I couldn't believe it. My heart stopped.
Was I really about to stand on the beach on this beautiful day to watch my dog drown?

Eventually, the ducks flew off and Radar stopped swimming, by this point she was bit a pinhead in the distance, I really couldn't believe that she would have the energy to swim back.

Mercifully she did.
I was too upset to scold her and we left the beach and went home.

It's in her nature, I can't be changed but we can try to help her. She is now on an extendable lead and will be for every walk. However, I will practice recall with her daily from now on as I can't go through an experience like today's ever again.

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