nogbad's blips

By nogbad

White rabbit

First of the month, blue skies and the price of diesel edging slowly downwards - what's not to like?

I pride myself on being observant, I try to notice things and I often store away sights that might make a good blip. Today I decided to come home a different way to avoid a new set of roadworks on the main road - it's been dug up that much recently it might be easier if they fitted a zip. Anyways, I came home past where I used to get my hair cut and then down to a pretty little place and then back up the nadgery lane to meet with the way I would normally come home if I'd come through town. With me so far?  

At the end of the road with the barbers I spotted a load of newly built houses, big and clearly costly. "Ah!" I thought, "I'll store that away". Later, I was chatting to someone and mentioned these new houses. "Ah!" they said, "They've been there about five years". See? I'm super-observant me - and I can't even claim not to have been along there in the last five years.

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