
By VarietyRose


The trip is offering some challenges to my nervous system - unshakeable jetlag, the stress of lost luggage, major last-minute changes to a presentation (my mistake) and a vinegar incident (don't ask). I got on a train going in the wrong direction this afternoon and can't persuade my stomach to be hungry in sync with mealtimes. 

This sign made me laugh because, I could have interpreted these obstacles as indications confirming the unshakeable feeling that,  indeed, I am going the wrong way. But if I've learnt anything in my inductions, training days and first 8 months it's that this 'imposter phenomenon' is part and parcel of PhD life. 

Despite the complaints of my nervous system, I managed to facilitate the presentation/workshop and thoroughly enjoyed the company and wisdom of the research team who attended. They had all brought a 'pot luck' lunch, complete with vegemite sandwiches for the Brit and gave such a warm welcome to the city that I forgot about my fatigue for a few hours. 

I had to ignore this signpost to reach my destination. Then, perhaps the action of ignoring it is the real 'sign'. That over-used but helpful idea of 'feeling the fear and doing it anyway'. 

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