
By Gallopinggran

Dilapidated Roses!!

Well I'm in need of more flowers for definate!! Forgot to pick them up yesterday, no wonder after a marathon pick up, then traffic jam that then took me miles out of my way then a shop, hey ho, oh yes & a very very rude man in the car park at the store. So much so that a couple of ladies who'd passed came back to apologise for him ( none to do with him) as they said good job we're not all like him. Indeed so, I've had nothing but kindness from people, all I can say he gives the male population a bad name, I can see through it thank goodness, I'm so very grateful for EVERYONE because on the whole I've had superb care.
The weather here is , as it seems everywhere, sun/ wind _ cloudy & rain intermittently, August 2nd ??? Hope for an Indian summet in September?? Have a good day all.

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