Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb


I put off posting a blip today in the hope that there might be a nice sunset at the harbour. I was a bit late in arriving but at least the colours were developing nicely in the partly cloudy sky. The sea was almost flat calm and without a breath of wind it was only the chirping of a few birds that hadn't gone to bed that could be heard.

Then, as I readied the camera for my first shot, there was a distinct whoosh sound from beyond the harbour wall. I have been out in our boat before when Minkie Whales have been about and the sound was exactly the same. I looked out to sea and a few hundred yards off the shore there was another whoosh and a slither of something black slipping back under the surface. A moment later there was another whooshing sound from further north and this time I could see the last of the spout and a large black shape disappear from sight. Then it went quiet and I decided I needed to try and capture what remained of the sunset. I rattled of a couple of shots and while doing so heard another couple of whooshes. Dammit, do I try and get the sunset shot or one of the distant whales? I spent the next 10 minutes waiting for a whale to appear and the only whoosh was much further away and only a black speck could be seen. I tried returning to the sunset but the colours had gone. I was looking for 2 different shots and ended up with neither!

Just as well I took the camera with me this afternoon to take some blips to capture the stunning weather that we continue to have. Sorry, its just another view across Carradale Bay towards Arran, although this is in as bright and warm a day as we have had in a long time!

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