
By Ellaphant

Pumpkin Yellow

A really large flower, one of two, that came out of our pumpkin plants.  AW sowed the seeds weeks ago and they have grown so fast I can hardly believe it.

As you can see, it rained today.  Right now, though, the sunset is forming in the west and a lot of the grey in our area is blowing away in the wind.  I hope for sun tomorrow so I can go hunting.

The genealogy info arrived yesterday and I finished processing it today.  So tempted to send the next request as the centre appears to reply so quickly these days I might abuse their efficiency... which I'd like to do but have decided not to do because it'll otherwise tear a hole in my pocketbook too large for me to repair in one sitting.  A matter of patience.  Now when have I used that word before?!?

Thankful for food on the table and a house paid for -- essential as we grow older.

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