The story so far...



Today was the most beautiful day however the same cannot be said for cam's mood. He screamed, head butted, spat and threw things all day. By lunchtime he had broken mummy to a quivering wreck and was subsequently put in his bedroom to continue his mammoth temper tantrum after he refused to eat his lunch by taking the contents of his mouth out after each spoon and throwing it at mummy.
He gave up and decided to go to sleep as he was no longer getting the reaction he wanted. This gave mummy the time to research the issue of taking food out of his mouth. How on earth did mums survive without google?
When he woke he was a different baby and back to his lovely self. The new tips mummy learnt were put in to action and dinner was amazing and of course he was wonderful when daddy got home from work. Thank god for bedtime!

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