As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


What a lovely Tuesday.

We wrote our first and only critical lens of the year in English today. I'll always end up back with The Grapes of Wrath.

Gym test today...yeah, that's all there is to say about that.

Today, we finally had the long-awaited cross country party. Hurricane Sandy delayed it in the fall, and our coach's busy schedule delayed it up until now. We had pizza and Gatorade and also had out XC meeting for next year. This is going to be the year, I can just feel it.

I went home and relaxed for the first day ever. No. Tutoring.

I picked up Shannon later on and we went to get frozen yogurt. We tried to be cute and go walk on the boardwalk at the beach but some man yelled at us when we were trying to park, so we ended up walking to the end of Mandalay. I love Shannon so much and I'm so happy that we got to spend this time together tonight.

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