
By jennym999

A sweet treat fromTaiwan

A friend had been given a big box of these by people who have come to stay from Taiwan. She gave me a couple as they have a short shelf life date.  These are a first for me…very tasty with whole cranberries inside, not pastry as we know it.

14.5C outside this morning plus drizzle so a very quick dog walk. It has been raining on and off all day with a couple of heavy storms and thunder. I’m glad I did gardening yesterday.

Today I started on the kitchen cupboards…lots of sauces, spices etc that are out of date or we have duplicates of so lots of things for recycling and some for the bin! All spices now arranged in alphabetical order.

A friend called round to borrow a few toys and games ready for her grandson who will be visiting next week. 

Now to do a bit of sewing and/ or sorting out photos to be printe, while watching the Cycling championships from Glasgow.

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