The Thin Blue Line

Another gorgeous day  we are now into the 3rd week of amazing weather! Homework has been dispensed with and the children instructed to head off to the  beach. I did the very same myself - a 99 ice cream and quick paddle on my way home.

I watched the International Space Station fly over head at around midnight last night - so large and bright, and full  of people. Extraordinary.

At home the blue tit family that have been nesting in the roof have fledged. I fear for their lives as they make so much noise and are not in very high branches and Eddie Puss is a murderer. All schools are also watching a webcam placed in a blue tits' nest - 7 chicks hatched on Monday. Last year we were all traumatised as the babies all died.

Ladies' Book club tonight so not much time for browsing. We are meant to be discussing two books tonight ; The Bhudda in the Attic (very good) and the Days of Grace (quite good).

Today's blip - some interesting ripply patterns down at the quay.

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