twinned with trumpton


With the Ring of Steall having fallen through, plan B was paddle boarding in E Lothian. A fine sunny day; with the stiff breeze and low tide being the main obstacles to PBing. 

Yellowcraigs ahoy! We arrived late in the morning and secured a patch on the cusp of beach and dunes in amongst the madding crowd. After inflating the board, She had a try but really the wind was driving Her onto the rocky bits and at low tide there's only a narrow channel through the rocks to more open water.

I brewed up, and lazed in the sun, took the dog for a blast through the dunes by which time the wind was stronger still. White foamy flecks were appearing on the open sea, so more tea and not much more paddling.

Home via Cigs / fuel / shops and I dropped Her home and headed off to clear/ tidy the van ahead of its return in the morning.

By the time I'd made it back to Her's, the tacos were ready.

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