
By Cygnus

Can he build it?

Yes, he can!

I tried to upload this for Sunday, when it was taken, but I can’t.

I’d spotted a wooden hanging rail on the Cotswold website, £99. Four uprights and a shelf. “The Ards Man could make that!” I thought to myself. I suggested this. He hmm’d a bit and reminded me how busy he is. “It’s easy-peasy!” I said. “In fact, it’s so easy, I could do it!”

How we laughed.

Well, the upshot was that the AM remembered that he had an old pine bookcase in the shed, with four uprights that could possibly be the right length. And a shelf. So here we are, and here it is! It still has to be painted. I’ve just done the first coat with primer, but I’ll have to show you that tomorrow since I can’t upload this photo for the right date.

A new piece of functional furniture for number 1 peanut’s old room, still her’s even though she’s now married with a child. :-)

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