One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye


Not by the tall unfoldable commuter on the small foldable Brompton, but by the two words sprayed on the wall behind him. 
Fascist love. 
Not two words immediately connected together. But hey, why not. Even fascists are in need of tender loving care. 
I'd bet that Benito Mussolini was not adverse to a post-coital cuddle before falling asleep. And Augusto Pinochet kept the love letters from his very first girlfriend in a rose wood box and reread them every week until his (much too late) death at the age of 91. It is even rumoured that Margaret Thatcher may have copulated at some stage. The fact that she procreated seems to point in that direction. 
This is a mental image that I want to shake off ASAP as it is soon time for bed... 

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