Choose Joy

By Energia


Mock Vervain, glandular is, native to the Americas

I had a nice discussion with a recruiter today. We worked together 20 years ago. He was pleased and surprised that I remembered him. Ok, weird thing about being this age - you discover that lots of the people younger than you were gay - and you were a role model. Good thing I was nice. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WEIRD IT IS TO FIND OUT YOU WERE A ROLE MODEL?

I do sound kind of perfect for the position.

Yes, I am happy where I am, but I don’t know that I will be happy but once we are forced back into the office. 

I think Ragnar is probably ok. I can’t tell them apart so I get to decide it is true. 

Russians withdrew one billion rubles in cash in the three days after the mutiny, five times higher than the average three day period. It is unexpected that the ruble would fall even though oil prices have increased. 

Ukraine will get addition Patriot air defense systems from Germany. 

It looks like a Ukrainian drone took out a Russian surveillance system. 

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