
I had the evening class tonight and had to set upsome lights for them as it was the last week of doing Portraits and Still life. Next weejk we're up to St Giles for some photos and the final week will be Photoshop work compiling and retouching the final images.

The college is a bit like a ghost ship at the moment as hardly anyone is there with it being so close to the holidays. It can be a nightmate getting volunteers to help with light tests. Thankfully Victoria from the Interior design class was in scanning some negatives as she is off back home to Moscow on the 20th and it will cost her a fortune to get her negs scanned back there. I did reciprocate though as she needed to find out how to copyright protect all her shots on Flickr because someone had ripped one off and used it without her permission.

If anyone is interested this is a 500W head with a beauty spill on it set to about 1/8 on a boom set about five feet above and the same in front of her face.

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