
By Ellaphant

The 'Molen van Sloten', Amsterdam

Sloten used to be one of several separate neighbourhoods in the areas surrounding Amsterdam, and, same as with all the others, the city swallowed it up and incorporated it into what we now might call Metropolitan Amsterdam.  While the area is centuries old, this windmill was constructed in 1990, so it's fairly new.  Seven millers keep it turning daily.  It was meant to be a polder-mill, and I suppose if necessary it will fulfill this function, but it has acquired a more touristic profile.  The municipality of Amsterdam has designated it as an official (governmental) venue, which means that people can get married in it.

It might look slightly boxed in, but it was facing both the road and the sun, so never mind that I couldn't take panoramic shots.  The extra shows the full body shot, but I preferred the main shot as the main shot because it shows just a bit more of the area.  Behind me is a thick hedge bordering someone's property and beyond that is one of the canals.

Supermarket errands in the morning, kitchen duties in the evening, and some gaming and genealogy in between.  Mathieu van der Poel fell during the Mountainbike Event and he was irritated at none other than himself, but I would have loved it had he won again.

The day ended with some gossip again from Mimi -- our suspect contacted her again and shared even more information but also ranted on the same worn-out topics as last time, after which Mimi duly texted me.  The Viking has been updated, but he also updated me -- it would appear that our case will be raffled on Monday and we'll get our new judge.  The Opposition had better rub its hands and dig into the relevant pockets again because the longer this case takes, the more expensive it will be.  Furthermore, we know now that the suspects do not like working with each other and their solicitors are dividing and conquering.  I've only had the Viking from the start.  Word seems to have gotten around that I must be earning enough millions to keep paying him.  This made both Mimi and me laugh till our sides burst.

Thankful for a satisfying Saturday.

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