
By lesmark

Derelict window

I have been keeping an eye on these derelict buildings for quite some time as they have progressively deteriorated and become more and more overgrown with brambles (and consequently wonderful for blackberry picking).  I thought it worth journalling today, however, because there has been a really positive development this past week, with a new sign that has gone up which says:

"The Chichester Harbour Trust has purchased this property, as part of our work to protect and conserve the Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Over the coming year, we plan to clear the site, remove the derelict buildings and waste materials. We will then return the land to countryside, for the benefit of wildlife, and the enjoyment of the local community."

It will be wonderful if this land is returned to the wild. It is adjacent to the  Emsworth Marina and just a stone's throw away from the coastal path. It will be well used, cared for and loved by walkers and wildlife alike. We will be monitoring the progress of the demolition closely. The commitment is to do this over the coming year. Fingers crossed.

I have included some extras to give a better idea of the site, if you are interested. The entrance now has a chain and bolt on the gate but walkers can still enter through a side path.

Thank you for hosting Marlieske.

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