Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Baby frog

One of the flying frogs is still alive! 

I took a couple of sleeping tablets last night, and although I felt slightly more rested this morning I still had a restless night and struggled to get up.

I joined Jo and Beau on their walk, and quite often take his lead now. He's (apparently developed) got a thing with other dogs and growls, barks and jumps. He normally gets shouted at and apologised for. This may be wrong but when I have the lead I talk to him reassuringly, stop and stroke him and he seems happy to let the other dogs walk by. Even a humungous Alsatian.

I made a few more cards, looked after Beau while Jo went to Tesco, then she came back an hour earlier than agreed with the pizza I'd given her to share for dinner! Beau and I had a good play with our favourite toy (a long squeaky racoon) and then he was tired and led down to sleep, so I had a nap alongside him stroking behind his ears. Jo was amazed at how relaxed he was. He'd carried some garden manure through the house and into her bedroom this morning and then turned the house upside down finding a bone and hiding it again! I did get invited round for a drink with her and Pete this evening but politely declined.

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