Jambo journal

By IainC

What’s On

What’s On indeed. There are 43 acts billed for this one venue (my old Students’ Union) but another five had been added for today. Probably found an unused broom closet somewhere in the basement to squeeze them in. Anyway, we were there to see Jack Docherty and very good he was too, though I think the guy I was chatting to in the queue may have been disappointed as he was looking forward to hearing lots of Bowie music! We wandered up to Summerhall after the show but just for a few beers, we’re not multi-performancing yet!
Earlier there been a different kind of show on at Tynecastle, a home premiere of ‘How not to Break Down a Defence’ featuring the less than heroic Jambos and Killie as the villains. Mmm, might be a long and boring season.

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