Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Another gray day

Last night, I went to a pre-school event for TMG Jr. It was a cute rodeo themed play in a room with very poor lighting. I absolutely loved it and am thrilled today because I was able to take a number of good pictures even with the poor lighting. It was events like last night that remind me why I have a dSLR and a good selection of fast lenses.

Today was another less then stellar day, and I was determined to blip something more interesting than yesterday. I made a quick detour on the way to work and ended at this spot. This is a road that I have explored in the past and I have considered blipping this on numerous occasions.

The thing I like about this is the juxtaposition of nature and a man made structure. We see the beautiful river with the reflections and then a major highway bridge. In this case, the bridge is for Interstate 495 which is a large highway. I also tried a slower shutter speed to blur the vehicles and highlight the motion.

Saturation layer
Curves layer for contrast

Constructive criticism always welcome.

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