
By Houseonahill6

Snow white.

I always wanted to be Snow white.I was nt bothered about the fancy dresses and tiaras I just wanted to live in a little cottage with all the animals,not so sure about 7 strange men though but heigh ho.
I was up early this morning,really early 3.30am.I was suprised how light it was at that early hour.The sun was rising to the left of the house too far round for me to see properly.Think I nodded off for abit and then went outside to catch the early morning rays.The bluetits were busy in and out of the nest box so thought I would try and catch a shot.Managed a few but not that sharp.
I spotted the wood mouse rushing about,to the feeder,back again and back to the feeder.Then it settled down and carried on eating despite the chaffinches flying in and out.All seems well in the garden just like Snow White would have liked.
The animals seem to be more tolerant of each other.The first encounter was Hedgehog v Pinemarten, no problem, even came nose to nose at one point as the pinemarten took the egg.Then the other night Cat v pinemarten.Oh no I thought I had heard terrible tales of cats being savaged by pinemartens but this time round the pinemarten ran away hid under the steps and watched until the cat had gone.
It's been a very hot day with hardly a cloud in sight.

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