Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Old photo albums

This was taken in 2001 when Hannah was 10. She was up front on a little pony called Olive and I was at the back on a huge horse called Tom Dooley (if my memory serves me). It was a family holiday in Dunfanaghy, Co, Donegal. I took this photo with a 2 euro disposable camera and I came across it when doing some enforced stay at home de-cluttering today. A few minutes after this was taken, the leader shouted ‘let’s canter now”. Tom Dooley decided this was a call to action and he took off like a bat out of hell. He galloped the full length of this beach and I just about managed to stay on board. Hannah on dainty Olive managed to also, thankfully.

You can just see Tom’s ears at bottom of pic.

The red line on T-bar is dimming a bit.

Watching in The Line of Fire tonight at 9 and ordering an Indian takeaway for a treat.

Have an enjoyable Thursday evening y’all

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