northumbrian : light

By RobinDown

Another rousing reception ...

... at Harlequins - the journey continues.  This is Len's Facebook report:
Day 5 - Motorbike Ride for Doddie.
The ride from the South West up to London was horrendous! 100 miles in biblical rain! However, we got to Harlequins ground (Twickenham Stoop) early. Sadly, the staff of the Quins Foundation had planned a tunnel of waving Quins flags to welcome us but we got there before they had come out and lined up! However, the sight of 10 to 15 people rushing out to greet us was fantastic! What a fabulous bunch of people they were too - warm, engaging and, well, just great!
We were joined on the way in by Steve Cripps, a local biker (in fact, a Blood Biker) who took the trouble to come and see us!
Then, on to Saracens. That involved 20 miles of blocked M25, lots of filtering and a late arrival. Robin got lost (separated while endlessly filtering on the M25 - a dangerous hobby) and went to the Stone Ex stadium so I met up with Danny at the training ground in St Albans. He introduced me to loads of their big players, we talked loads and had a coffee before I went back to the main gate to wait for Robin to get back from his adventures.
Yet again, it's been a fantastic day. Everybody has been so welcoming and supportive. Great to meet Cami from the Quins Foundation who has been so good with us in organising and preparing things over the past few weeks. Such a lovely girl!
On to the final day tomorrow - Saints and Tigers followed by a visit to the Triumph factory for lunch before we head home!
Don't forget to make a donation, of any size, if you haven't already. Go to this link and chip a few quid in the pot! Go on!!

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