
By Appreciation

Dr Tom

I didnt sleep much last night because I knew that far, far away there was something very special happening. My boy was morphing into Dr Tom.

It would have been nice if they could have waited on us arriving but they do things their own way in Korea.

He wore his kilt, just a cheap version, but his girlfriend, who had said it looked silly on the hanger came round to thinking that a man has never looked so manly in a skirt!

Laus arrived late last night and my girl lit up. She is happy to have him near again. A show tonight, Kathy & Stella solve a Murder Podcast. Sold out and no wonder, it was superb. Cleverly written and great acting and voices. We loved it.

Tomorrow is exciting too, but that's a whole other story.

A guest photographer tonight and not the best photo but my heart is bursting with pride at all my Dr boy achieves. I can't wait to see him.

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