
By Technophobe


Felix Dennis was the founder of Dennis publishing and  served time in prison after the notorious Oz obscenity trial of1971 where he and others were found guilty of publishing an obscene article. They were later freed on appeal.
He went on to make a huge amount of money out of publishing technical photographic and computing magazines. He lived not far from where we are in Dorsington Warwickshire.

Towards the end of his life he launched a hugely ambitious project to create The Heart of England Forest, with the aim of eventually planting ten million trees. 
He was a poet and author too and commissioned many sculptures for an area of his woodland in Dorsington. 
We held a blipmeet today at his sculpture wood which is called the Garden of Heroes and Villains.
We met there with 
Hildasrose , SnapHappySally, Chrispybox, Fitzbilly, StevenG, and other halves. It was a lovely sunny day and a beautiful place to visit.
The sculptures are of many famous figures both heroic and villainous. Though I think most of them are heroes !
I think my favourite was this group of RAF pilots scrambling to their planes , by Paul Day, it really caught their running movement. It wasn’t easy to get the whole thing without people so the main shows just their faces. 
Extra, Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace, Mathematicians and pioneers of machine computing. By Steven Gregory.

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