The Kashmiri Prince

Frankfurt day 5

Warm and sunny again and we packed up a picnic of crisps, tomatoes, yogurt, crackers, cheese squares, pineapple and strawberries. As it was so nice we decided on our way into F to stop at the university nearby for a coffee. Never seen any uni like this one. Again immaculate campus with outdoor eating areas fountains, park statues, trees - very very beautiful.

Walked into the centre and noticed that there was a Korean festival going on with Korean women in bright traditional dress on a stage singing so we plonked ourselves down for a drink of water and to look at all the Korean people round about. Music wasn't up to much really. Food was offered but we didn't bother as we had a lovely picnic for eating by the river later. We quite quickly spotted a new HG (hot guy), but this one stood out in a crowd particularly because of his sleek shiny black hair, and the smooth way he moved his hand to push it back off his face!! We noticed quickly that his clothes were all designer and as I had my zoom lens I said to gillian I would pop round to the side bit to get a proper look at him and take some pictures (stalking). ;)I marvelled at the elegant way he was eating his rice not just horsing it in like we do and when he took his jacket off i was almost blinded by the whiteness of his Fred perry shirt... I finished and sneaked back to my seat to show G him from the side and we agreed he looked maybe middle eastern....

We noticed he was leaving and that he had a bike so we followed from the front and as he passed us (walking the bike) he smiled at us and said, in the most clipped London accent -I just thought I would say hello!!!!

We chatted and wandered down the street , bike, him and us. Him looking like a Saudi prince in all designer gear, us in shorts, t shirts, trainers carrying rucksacks and a shopping bag with the picnic!!! Quite surreal really. ......

As we wandered we told him we were going to the river to have a picnic and he said he was also going there and he would show us a good place to sit.

We sat at a bench and we chatted more. We took out the picnic and offered him to share it with us. I asked if he had ever eaten a cheese square before and he paused and with a little smile said of course:)

Anyway , he was charming and actually had a great sense of humour. I then decided to show him the pictures I had sneakily taken of him at the concert. He deliberated over each one and said oh I love these!! Thank you for taking my picture. Usually, it's just snaps I see of myself , and he wanted me to send them to him:)

I then decided that I would show him the pictures I had taken of Gillian on Saturday night in the slinky black dress. I held on to the camera as he looked and he stared for about 5 minutes at the blip one, my arm was starting to ache -his face was a picture, eventually he turned to Gillian and said 'this is you'????????? I said yes , in a Max Mara dress! Oh I usually have to travel to France to see women like this!!! (She was looking rather scruffy). He just kept looking from the camera to her gobsmacked by the difference..

We swapped e mails and found he was from Pakistan , and worked in Frankfurt. But was on a sabbatical as his father was ill.

After around an hour chatting he declared he must leave now and it was time for us too as we were going on a river cruise. He said he would be back to sit and sunbathe and we said that if we saw him from the deck we would frisbee over a pineapple slice from the picnic to get his attention.

We said our goodbye's with two kisses to the cheek, and as he climb the stairs with his bike, we discussed how we would try and copy his elegant movements. Poise and Posture. (PP for short).

We discussed the meeting with imran all the way up and down the river cruise. How we laughed!!!! Great fun:). you just wonder what he thought of two daft Scottish lassies. Actually he seemed to get our humour......

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