Out and About

By Puffin

Not what we were expecting.

On a Sunday visit to an Open Garden in the National Garden Scheme , Friend A and I were expecting yet another beautiful garden tended by a team of gardeners plus tea and cake.  But how wrong were we.  At Fell Yeat in Casterton we found Chris Benson who has run Brownthwaite Hardy Plants as a nursery for over 30 years while he developed his woodland into a magical mystery tour of wildness in secret areas with seats and weird and wonderful wooden and metal sculptures all made by Chris from foraged materials.  No tea and cakes but wonderful ornaments for sale. I came home with a dragonfly welded out of old knives.  A bought a cat made out of horseshoes and a spider made out of spoons and odd bits of metal  .  The nursery was overgrown but a haven for butterflies and bees. It made such a refreshing change.  Collage of a few of the treasures in extras

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